How you could end up with bitcoin even though you didn’t buy any

3 min readJul 9, 2019


[Last updated, 5 July, 2022]

You would end up with bitcoin if you were to :

Things are just getting started …., just wait until gig marketplaces like Uber, DoorDash, and AirBNB offer to pay in bitcoin to attract more service providers. Or when payment in bitcoin is an option for those who make bulk payments — such as Udemy which pays instructors their commissions and TryMYUI wich pays their testers.

If you earn in bitcoin, you will then prefer to spend in bitcoin (versus going through the friction of “cashing out” into fiat). This occurring often will “close the loop”, lessening significantly the conversions to- and from fiat.


Much of the material for this post was obtained from a corresponding post on r/Bitcoin (on Reddit). Are there additional methods you’ld like to share?

Additions, corrections, and other feedback welcome and can be submitted via e-mail.

